The Lowest Peso Exchange Rate Available.
Best exchange rates guaranteed.
A smarter way to send money. Transparent pricing, no fees,
no commissions.
How does it work?
Exchange your money with our low rates and zero fees.
Sign-up and lock-in your rate
Register for a free business or personal account. All we need is the amount and type of currency you’re sending, and who you’re sending it to.
Start your free accountTransfer your funds
You can send your funds to us by wire transfer, bank transfer (as a payee), or pre-authorized debit. Our online platform allows you to exchange money 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
We will notify you when we receive your funds.
Complete transaction
While you sit back and relax, we complete the transfer to the account you requested. You will see the funds deposited within 1-2 days of us receiving your transfer.
We will notify you when your beneficiary is paid.
Best rates and No fees
We aim to offer you the best rates each and every time you need to transfer money, with no hidden fees or commissions.
Efficient online payment platform
Our secure dealing platform is easy to use, with transactions being completed in seconds.
Access at all times
We recognize that you may need to make payments at any time of the day, that's why we're available 24/7.
Transparent pricing
We show you the wholesale market rates and our dealing spread every time a quote is requested.
Expert and friendly help
We want to make the process as easy as possible, so if you have any queries at all just phone, chat or email us and we'll respond immediately.
Safe and Secure
We use 256-bit encryption and are regulated by FINTRAC. Online checks, anti-fraud safeguards and insurance coverage ensure the safety and security of your money.